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Sunday, April 25, 2010

New Gear Again!

So my new Vagabond II power pack and 56" Moon Unit both came Thursday, but it has been miserable and rainy since then so I haven't had a chance to take it outside and give it a try. Until today!

There was a break in the rain, so Torin and Dustin and I grabbed the gear and headed over to the Payne Arch to do some shooting, then the rain began to POUR down from the heavens in cats and dogs fashion. We almost lost the moon unit to the wind a few times, but Dustin locked it down. I also had my 580EXII on a tripod as a secondary light.

The rain stopped and we were able to get our feet a little wet and try a few shots in the sunlight. I wanted to see if the ABR800 could overpower the sun if I put it to Torin's back, and it performed quite admirably! Hope you all like the photos and as always, stay tuned for more!
Here is the whole gallery.


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Alex Yates Photoshoot

This was a really fun two-part shoot with my friend Alex Yates. He ordered this really swag jacket from Korea and I thought it would look really neat in a fashion-styled shoot. So we met up at Squires and navigated our way to a certain rooftop of one of the downtown buildings and lugged a few strobes and reflectors and such up and had a blast. It was still pretty bright out in the beginning, but we went and grabbed dinner and came back for some dusk/night photos too. It was a blast to shoot with this much equipment and with some help from Mary Kyle, all of it stayed in place. Here are some samples, but be sure to head over to the photo section of my page to see the whole set. Until next time!


Time Lapse Remote!

It finally came! All the way from Hong Kong, and only 3 weeks from when I ordered it, my remote arrived intact and working. Removing it from the interestingly labeled package, there was the remote, a battery, and an instruction book which has all kinds of hilarious translations inside.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

New Gear!

The second battery for my 7D came yesterday along with the Sto-Fen Omnibounce for my 580EXII. All I am waiting on now is the intervalometer I ordered from Hong Kong. I plopped the battery into my grip, and slid the omnibounce diffuser onto the flash and then did some test shots around my suite. Let me know what you think!

Be sure to spread the word about Mudre Photography to your friends! (Especially your engaged ones!)